Expanding Soon!

Apr 6, 2023

The Arc has purchased the property at 2740 SW 3rd Street (formerly Murphy’s Tavern) to create a Center for Community Engagement and Cultural Center. In the months following the purchase, we met with community members to hear what they wanted in this center.

Transition students have requested a beautiful place to “call their own.” Parents are asking for more supported activities for their loved ones – a place to gain skills and confidence. People with developmental disabilities and neurodiversity have asked us for culturally appropriate design, paying close attention to transition areas, lighting and acoustics, as these factors can be overwhelming at times.

With this feedback in mind, we are working closely with experienced architects and engineers to create a sensory-sensitive environment that welcomes people with autism and other developmental disabilities.

This approach requires special attention to how the users:

  • neurologically interpret and respond to their environment
  • communicate and interact socially with each other
  • learn best with limited distraction
  • experience calm and respite from overstimulation

Stimulus zones within the building will be located according to the level of activity and stimulation occurring in that space. Transitions from one zone to the other will facilitate adjustment to the changing stimulus level.

To minimize sensory chaos, areas will be equipped with soundproofing materials, gentle lighting and calm colors and patterns.

The Center for Community Engagement will provide opportunities for its members with IDD to practice leadership in determining the activities that take place there and by sharing responsibilities for operations.

Making this space fully functional and beautiful will require extensive renovation. Updates to come!