Volunteer with us!
Whether working in The Arc programs, admin office or at our thrift stores, volunteers make an important contribution to our mission.
Program Volunteers may assist in classes and activities, helping participants feel welcome and safe.
Admin Volunteers help with tasks such as scanning and preparing mailers.
Store Volunteers sort, clean, and set out items for sale in one of our thrift stores.
Typical store volunteer tasks include:

- Cleaning bulky items in the Utility room
- Loading/ unloading dishwasher
- Hand washing items in the kitchen
- Sweeping & mopping
- Dusting
- Clean windows & window sills

- Boxing up pass-on books
- Tagging books
- Putting out books

- Tagging houseware items
- Putting out houseware items

- Sort and Organize items
- Move merchandise around sales floor
- Remove old merchandise that hasn’t sold

- Test electronics
- Clean electronics

- Measure and tag linens
- Hand linen items

- Vacuum rugs
- Measure and tag rugs
- Roll-up rugs

Pens etc.
- Test writing utensils
- Group and organize writing utensils

- Measure and tag fabric
- Hang or roll fabric

- Sort yarn
- Bag yarn
- Price and tag yarn

- Breakdown boxes
- Recycle broken down boxes

- Size and tag clothes
- Hang clothes
- Tidy up clothes racks
Begin your journey as a volunteer at The Arc
Complete the application below and we will do our best to match your skills and interests with our needs. *Hint: Do you know someone who would like to join you? You will meet some wonderful new people, but maybe you would like to bring along a friend! Be sure all interested parties complete an application form.
We hope to see you soon!
Please allow 2-3 days for your application to be reviewed. Our volunteer coordinator will contact you to discuss your application.
The Arc is not currently accepting applications for community service volunteers. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.