July 8-August 15, 2024
Let’s get together to experience our community, explore nature, socialize, and play games and sports!
Join us for six weeks of fun, connection, and activities at The Corvallis Summer Club!
C3 Day (Corvallis Community Center)
Monday, July 8, 15, 22, 29 & August 5 and 12, 10am-3pm
Lawn Games • Pickleball • Board games • Crafts
Tuesday, July 9, 16, 23, 30 & August 6 and 13, 10:30am-2:30pm
MU Bowling (as available) • Basketball/Volleyball @ McAlexander Fieldhouse & more activities to come
Downtown Day
Wednesday, July 10, 17, 24, 31 & August 7 and 14, 10am-3pm
Corvallis Farmers Market • Meet a Corvallis Police Officer • Corvallis Fire Department Tour • Library Tour
Nature Day
Thursday, July 11, 18, 25 & August 1, 8 and 15, 10am-3pm
Gardening @ Urban Farm • Horticulture Therapy w/Molly • Exploring Neighborhood Gardens • Crafts • Walks in the Labyrinth
What is The Arc Corvallis Summer Club?
The Arc Summer Club is an 18+ social club aimed at building connections, enhancing well-being, and enjoying a diverse range of activities throughout the community.
How does attendance work?
Choose your day(s)! You choose which day(s) to attend for all 6 weeks. Example: If you choose Mondays, you attend all 6 Mondays.
Will food be provided?
Yes, snacks will be provided daily by The Arc. Each club member is responsible for bringing their own lunch.
Can I choose more than one day?
Yes, you can. You will attend the same days every week.
How much does it cost?
$180 total for 6 days over 6 weeks. The Corvallis Summer Club is private pay with some scholarships available and payment plan options.
Can I bring my DSP?
Yes! The Corvallis Summer Club is not a Medicaid Funded Day Supports Activities Program and cannot provide direct support. Your DSP is welcome to attend free of charge and can claim their regular hours.
How do I register?
Click the Register Now button on this page to get started! Payment is not required when you register.
Contact Abby Guzman, aguzman@arcbenton.org.